7 Comentarios

  1. neufotomacher
    neufotomacher ·

    Wow, like a castle Dracula, but in Budapest.

  2. tttt
    tttt ·

    very good

  3. kockapaci
    kockapaci ·

    @tttt Thank you so much!

  4. kockapaci
    kockapaci ·

    @neufotomacher Yes, indeed! It's called Castle of Vajdahunyad and surely has a ghosty vibe in the evenings, but despite of the name and the look it's not even a real castle, although the fun fact is that you can find a bust of Bela Lugosi in one of the stone cabins wich has a very interesting story.

  5. neufotomacher
    neufotomacher ·

    @kockapaci Interesting.

  6. alejandrol
    alejandrol ·


  7. kockapaci
    kockapaci ·

    @alejandrol Thank you!

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