I went out last week-end to try my new Canon EOS 1000FN, loaded with a Lady Grey 400. The lens is a classic Canon 38-76. The results are not bad at all, except I got these streaks, I wonder why. Does it come from the developing process? But then, why did I never get this before? Or maybe is it the film?

2 Comentarios

  1. brynholler
    brynholler ·

    These are still very cool shots. I thought it was sky writing at first! I'm no expert, however, the spot on middle-right that resembles an oil slick is from the negative itself touching the scanner surface and reflecting - called Newton Rings. The white streaks throughout the image seem to be from where the negative was crumpled, either going into the developing reel or when it was taken out.

  2. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @brynholler thank you ! i agree for the scanning issue - the film was curved after i developed it, so it was in contact with the scanning surface. it's a problem with flatbed scanners...
    the streaks are more uncommon for me. thank you for the explanation.

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