As the proud owner of a Diana F+, Fisheye No.2, Zenit-E, Nikon F60, Brownie Starlet and a Lubitel 2, I like: the smell of new books, receiving post, country rivers, cycle rides, people-watching on the Underground and, of course, the experimental thrill of lomography!
Reading/Reino Unido
Mis Fotos Mis Álbumes My Walls Mis Likes
Mis Álbumes
Álbum: diana loves b/w
compartido por avocado-in-a-world-of-cucumbers en 2013-01-26 · 17 Fotos -
Álbum: first time, fresh
compartido por avocado-in-a-world-of-cucumbers en 2013-01-26 · 11 Fotos -
Álbum: multiple exposure melody
compartido por avocado-in-a-world-of-cucumbers en 2013-01-18 · 13 Fotos -
Álbum: cross-processing all summer long
compartido por avocado-in-a-world-of-cucumbers en 2013-01-18 · 38 Fotos -
Álbum: Edinburgh
compartido por avocado-in-a-world-of-cucumbers en 2012-11-19 · 24 Fotos -
Álbum: carved from stone
compartido por avocado-in-a-world-of-cucumbers en 2012-11-19 · 15 Fotos
Mis Metas
- Tags:
- 120
- architecture
- b/w
- beach
- black & white
- black and white
- building
- city
- city break
- cosina
- cross processed
- cross processing
- cross-processed
- edinburgh
- europe
- exposure
- face
- fashion
- field
- fisheye
- france
- fuji
- fuji sensia
- girl
- happy
- holiday
- home-processing
- lady
- landmark
- light
- lomo
- london
- magenta
- magenta overtones
- medium format
- monochrome
- paris
- portrait
- self-development
- self-processing
- sensia
- sky
- slide film
- smile
- statue
- street
- summer
- window
- woman
- x-pro
- Cameras:
- Boots Disposable Camera
- Canon EOS Series
- Cosina CT-1
- Lomo Lubitel 166+
- Lomo Lubitel 2
- Lomography Diana F+
- Lomography Fisheye No. 2
- coka-cola can pinhole
- no camera
- Films:
- Fuji Sensia
- Fujifilm Fujicolour 200
- Ilford HP5 Plus 400
- Ilford Photographic Paper
- Lomography 120 Colour Negative 400 ISO
- Lomography 120 Colour Negative 800 ISO
- Lomography Color Negative 400 (35mm)
- Lomography Earl Grey 100 (120)
- Lomography ISO 400 120
- Lomography Redscale XR 50-200 35mm
- Lucky SHD 100
- Lucky SHD100