Found another roll

This is another roll from my lomowalk with my dear friend artichekt through Düsseldorf. Unfortunately I found dark streaks all over the negatives. When I looked into my old Canon AE-1 I found a sticky glue-like substance on the inside that caused the damage of the film. I figured that this is foam material from the edges of the back cover that is melting away due to its age. I cleaned the camera with gasoline and hope that it doesn't happen again. - Home developed in Tetenal C41 Rapid Kit -

3 Comentarios

  1. pasadena85
    pasadena85 ·

    wie krass ist das bitte? sehen die anderen beiden seiten des gebäudes auch so aus ?

  2. moodification
    moodification ·

    @pasadena85: Ja, beeindruckend, oder?

  3. pasadena85
    pasadena85 ·

    @moodification: ja,schon..aber ich mach mir bei solchen gebäuden immer gedanken wg. vogelschlag.

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