The whiskered Hunter of feminine gender.

Siberia. Altai. Early winter. On the hospitable farm I told you about, all its inhabitants are unusually hardworking. Perhaps inhabitants of farm all follow the example of its heroic mistress, who has only dreamed of peace for more ten years now. Cats are no exception. Grateful cats are wonderful hunters. More than 20 cats, day and night, explore the familiar attics, basements, ditches and clearings. Both day and night, the hunt is on. After hunting in the summer, they bring to their mistress squirrels, mice and very often poisonous snakes. In winter, everything is more modest. Usually, cats eat the heads of their hunting trophies. But everything else is always at the feet of their beloved mistress. Game is good, of course, but goat's milk soup is much better. Perhaps with thoughts of feeding the hostess game, and they, so be it, they will eat thise milk soup again, if only there was as much of it as possible.
And there are more and more cats on the farm. Apparently, all the inhabitants of the farm understand each other well.
#Siberia #winter #Cat #Altai #farm #Hunter #forest

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